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December 15, AM ET Long before there were online dating sites, such as eHarmony, Match or OKCupid, there was was Hill’s Manual of Social and Business Forms, a compendium of knowledge and etiquette.

NPR reporter Shereen Marisol Meraji recently dropped in on a professional-etiquette class for teens to see what they made of traditional chivalry. Why, as other sexist institutions gradually dissolve, does this one stubbornly hang on? A survey released yesterday morning found that about 77 percent of people in straight relationships believe men should pay the bill on a first date.

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The survey, put together by the financial website NerdWallet, polled roughly 1, people who had been dating their partners for six months or more. But in the past five decades, more and more women have become breadwinners, at least in the U. Between and , the proportion of two-parent U. And in , 34 percent of General Social Survey respondents rejected the idea that men should work and women should stay at home, but this figure was 64 percent in Some researchers have speculated about why, even in light of these big-picture changes, the expectation to pay for dates falls to men.

A study published in Psychology of Women Quarterly presented subjects with a variety of fictional dating scenarios—mixing up who invited whom, who paid, and the venue—and asked them to evaluate the acceptability of the sexual encounter that followed. Through all these disconcerting findings, David Frederick still saw one data point that inspired optimism.

Almost half of the men surveyed in the study he co-authored said that they would break up with a woman if she never offered to help pay the bill on a date. Ultimately, though, financial chivalry is in need of an even larger revision, seeing as it overlooks the possibility of gay relationships. His rule? If only it were that simple.

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ОАО "СТРОЙМАШ" (Открытое акционерное общество "Лебедянский завод строительно- отделочных машин") — один из лучших европейских производителей строительно- отделочной техники.

Предприятие ведет свою историю от созданного в 1946 году в Лебедяни завода № 6 «Главстроймеханизации», который в течение уже двух последующих лет наладил производство камнедробилок, ручных лебедок, тачек строительных и тачек садовых, тумб инструментальных, верстаков, вещевых и гардеробных шкафов, а в 1958г.приступил к выпуску строительно-отделочных…