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Primary source references As a preface to this document, I want to point out that it is a shame that we have to continue to refute the same arguments that evolutionists keep bringing up over and over again in their attempts to argue against the fact of creation, which fact has been well established since the day the earth was created ex nihilo several thousand years ago.

It is also a shame that the masses have bought all this based on some circular reasoning about fossils, where fossils tend to be found buried, similarities between various life forms, the presence of certain decay products in rocks, and other inherently speculative arguments about the past, based on phenomena that exist in the present. If I hope to accomplish anything, it will be to simply encourage critical thinking. One must get past the arguments ad populum that its popularity counts for something , ad hominem that if you attack the person making the argument, this counts for something , and especially ad baculum that there are people who have the clout to decree it as true , to ask the key questions and challenge the unsubstantiated assumptions and thinking of those who would hold to the evolution position.

Today there are an increasing number of anti-creationist authors who are producing books and periodicals that make this relatively brief presentation insufficient to deal with all the points in dispute. Those defending creation today who don’t have the time to devote their life’s study to gaining expertise in all fields of inquiry must principally be prepared to think critically, logically, and challenge unsubstantiated assumptions made by these people.

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The White Stripes Throughout the s, Jack worked as an upholsterer, but continued to moonlight in several bands, usually as a drummer. There was something in it that opened me up. The album eventually peaked at number 38 in Billboard ‘s Independent Albums chart. Even as their success as a band was mounting, their personal relationship was faltering, and they were divorced in Clearly this is a band at the apex of its power.

A lot of drummers would feel weird about being that simplistic. She also performs the percussion on the studio version of the song. Problems playing this file? Meg White right after a performance in Sydney, Though Jack usually sang lead vocals, Meg occasionally sang as well, the first time being backup on the record “Your Southern Can is Mine” from De Stijl.

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