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Links Member Beliefs A testimony is a reliable method to learn the truth. Men can deceive, science can be wrong but a true testimony is an undeniable way to establish the truth of the gospel. A testimony of the Book of Mormon can be gained by reading the Book of Mormon and putting the book to the test by praying about whether or not it is true:

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Nov 29,  · The manager had denied service to a group of young men, but an alleged victim’s dine-and-dash tweets emerged.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the growing disparity between the numbers of single Mormon men and single Mormon women. But amidst all the hand-wringing about what this means for dating and marriage, there are larger implications for what it means for Mormonism, and I had quite a few follow-up questions. So I tracked down sociologist Rick Phillips , who with Ryan Cragun has authored the forthcoming study on the sex ratio disparity among Utah Mormons.

Both scholars are past presidents of the Mormon Social Science Association. And this is especially true in Utah as compared to the rest of the nation. Conservative denominations in the United States tend to have more women than men, so the sex ratio imbalance in Mormonism is not particularly surprising, even if it is rather severe. What is surprising is the regional concentration of this imbalance. We began to investigate sex ratios in the church when we compared data from two large censuses of religious bodies, one conducted in and the other in The data show that between these two censuses, the proportion of self-identified Latter-day Saints that were female increased rather dramatically … but only in Utah.

Outside Utah and Mormon strongholds in the Intermountain West, sex ratios within the church remained stable, and were closer to parity than in Utah. Your research suggests that the increasingly imbalanced sex ratio among Utah Mormons is like the canary in the proverbial coal mine: You attribute the gender gap to a growing trend of apostasy among Mormon men.

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ОАО "СТРОЙМАШ" (Открытое акционерное общество "Лебедянский завод строительно- отделочных машин") — один из лучших европейских производителей строительно- отделочной техники.

Предприятие ведет свою историю от созданного в 1946 году в Лебедяни завода № 6 «Главстроймеханизации», который в течение уже двух последующих лет наладил производство камнедробилок, ручных лебедок, тачек строительных и тачек садовых, тумб инструментальных, верстаков, вещевых и гардеробных шкафов, а в 1958г.приступил к выпуску строительно-отделочных…